




0. Basic 3 Practice
深蹲110-120 kg (1RM=140kg, 體重2.0倍)
硬舉120-140 kg (1RM=154kg, 體重2.2倍)
臥推 85 kg (1RM=95kg, 體重1.3倍)

1. LEG
Deep Squart 110 times (2)
- Deep Squart Smith 70-100 kg
Goblet Squat 46 kg
Leg Extension 100 kg
- Leg Press 107-120 kg
- Prone Leg Curl 41-50 kg
- Seated Leg Curl 36-43 kg
- to outer Hip abduction 59-73 kg
- to inter Hip adduction 59-73 kg
- Seated Calf Press 50-134 kg
- Seated Calf Raise 50-60 kg
- Glute 41-59 kg
- Lunge 2×24-34 kg
- Bulgarian Split Squat 20 kg

2. Back
- Sumo Deadlift 100-130 kg
Back hyperextension +25 kg
- Back Extension 79-86 kg
- Barbell Rowing 30-45 kg
- Seated Rowing 2×26.25-30 kg
- Seated Rowing 52-59 kg
Seated Rowing (pulley) 59 kg
- Rope Pulldown 27-32 kg
Overhand Grip Pull-ups 13+11 times (2)
Underhand Girp Pull-ups 17+10 times (2)
Rope Lat Pulldown (face) kg
- Lat Pulldown 2×50-70 kg
Lat Pulldown 52 kg
- Underhand Lat Pulldown 39-66 Kg
Standing Single-arm Cable Row 18 kg
Standing Single-arm dumbbell Row kg
Single Hand Pull-Up -32 kg
Single Hand Hang 30s -18 kg

3. Chest
- Supine Bench Press 2x55-60 kg
Pectorial Fly 64 kg
- (雙向蝴蝶機) Pectorial Fly 59-86 kg
Cable Chest Fly 18 kg
Seated Chest Press Inter 66 kg
- Seated Chest Press Onter 73-93 kg
(Machine) Incline Bench Press 2x40 kg
- (Smith) Bench Press 60 kg
- Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 2×16-22 kg
Incline Bench Press excluded bar 45 kg
Decline Bench Press excluded bar 60 kg
- Dumbbell Bench Press 2×26-34 kg
- Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 2×18-26 kg
Dumbbell Bench Fly 2×8 kg
Push-Up 75 times (2)
- Chest Dip 15-20 tmes
- Seated Chest Dip 50-59 kg

4. Core
- Abdominal Crunch 63-70 kg
Abdominal 36 kg
- Side abs curl (cable) 73-91 kg
Rotary Torso 50 kg
Leg Raise 15×4 times
Knee Raise +10 kg
Sit Up 11.25 kg
Plank 240s
Side Plank 60s
Glute-Bridge+12kg 200 times (2)
Lateral flexion + kg
- AB Coaster 11.25-20 kg

5. ARM
- Triceps Extension (Machine) 54-68 kg
- Triceps Extension (Cable+Rope) 23-32 kg
Single hand cable triceps extension 14 kg
Standing Triceps Pull-Down 18 kg
- Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curl 10-16 kg
- Standing Triceps Extension (back) 32-36kg
Lying Triceps Extension 20 kg
- Skullcrusher (Dumbbell) 10-14 kg
- Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extension 18-28 kg
Seated Barbell Triceps Extension kg
- Standind Cable Triceps Extension 27-32 kg
- Standind Cable Biceps Curl 27-36 kg
- Barbell Curl 25-30 kg
Reverse Barbell Curl 12.5 kg
- Reverse Dumbbell Curl 2×6 kg
Seated Dip kg
- Triceps Dip 13 times
- Arm Curl 32-36 kg
Scott Curl 12 kg
- Incline Dumbbell Curl 2x6-12 kg
Wrist Flexion 6 kg
Wrist Reverse Flexion 6 kg
Wrist 8-shape Flexion 6 kg

Shoulder Press excluded barbell 35 kg
- Shoulder Press 50-54 kg
- Shoulder Press 2x15-22 kg
- Shoulder Press (Smith) 20-30 kg
Dumbbell Up Raise 2×18 kg
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise 2×6-8 kg
Dumbbell front Raise 2×6 kg
Dumbbell Reverse Fly 2×4 kg
- (Machine) Lateral Raise 41-64 kg
- (Cable) Lateral Raise 4.5-9 kg
Rear Deltoid Fly 52 kg
- Barbell/Plate Front Raise 10-12.5 kg
- (Cable) Face Pull 23.75-45 kg

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